Presentation Mode with CodeGate Out-of-Stand:When the scanner is not in the stand, it automatically detects bar codes and decodes them. However, the data is not transmitted until you press the button. The laser remains on briefly

after the transmission. (If you are accustomed to a Voyager 9540, this setting is the same as the 9540’s default.)

Presentation ModeOut-of-StandPresentation Mode withCodeGate Out-of-StandManual Activation Mode

In Manual Activation Mode, you must press the button to scan a bar code. The scanner scans until a bar code is read, or

until the button is released. Default = Manual Activation Mode On In-Stand, Manual Activation On Out-of-Stand.

Manual Activation Mode OffIn-Stand* Manual Activation Mode On


Manual Activation Mode Off


* Manual Activation Mode On


End Manual Activation After Good Read

After a bar code is successfully read, the laser can be programmed either to remain on and scanning, or to turn off. When End Manual Activation After Good Read is enabled, the laser turns off and stops scanning after a good read. If you scan Do Not End Manual Activation After Good Read, the laser remains on after a good read, but the button must be pressed

to scan the next bar code. Default = End Manual Activation After Good Read.

Do Not End Manual ActivationAfter Good Read In-Stand

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