2. Alarm Details and Countermeasures
a. High Temperature Alarm (E1)
If the cabinet temperature exceeds the setpoint temperature by 14.4°F (8°C) or more for more than x hours, "E1" is displayed. The default value of x is "2" (2 hours). The value of x can be changed under F3 on the Settings and Diagnostics Menu. (0=No delay; 1=1; 2=2; 3=3 hours)
•After the machine has been turned off and then turned back on, the high temperature alarm feature is not active until the cabinet temperature reaches the lower setpoint temperature differential.
•The high temperature alarm feature operates even during defrost.
Reset Options
The alarm will automatically reset once the cabinet temperature reaches the lower setpoint temperature differential.
Possible Causes
•The door is opened frequently or is not completely closed.
•Trouble with the compressor or a gas leak.
•Trouble with the cabinet thermistor (black).