Hotpoint RGB745GER, RGB744GER 800.626.2000, ConsLIAllerswith inlpilil-eclIIearillg

Models: RGB744GER RGB745GER

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Whateveryourquestionaboutany Iflotpointmajor appliance,GE Answer Cente@ informationserviceis avail- ableto help.Yourcall-and your question—willbe answeredprompdy and courteouslyAndyoucan. call any time.GE Answ-erCente@ serviceis open 24 hoursa day7 daysa week.

;vill provide expert repair service on your Hotpoint appliance, scheduled at a time that’s convenient for you.

fany GE Consllmer Sel~’icecompany- perated locations offer you service dayor tomorrow,or at yourcon-

t’enience(700 a.m. to 700 p.m.week- days,9:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m.Saturdays). Our factory-trainedtechnicianskr]ow J’ourappliancc insideand out—so ~nostrepairs can be handledinjust one visit.

Youcan havethe securefeelingthat GE ConsumerServicewillstillbe there after yourHotpoint product warrantyexpires.Purchasea GE contractwhileyourwa~-rantyis stillin effect and you’llreceivea substantial discount.With a multiple-yearcon- tract,you’reassuredof filtureservice at today’sprices.

Telecommunication Device for the De*

Upon request,wewillprovideBraille controlsfor a varietyof Hotpoint appliances,and a brochui-eto assistin planninga barrier-freekitchen for persons tviihlimited ]nobiii~yTo. ob- tain these items,free of charge,cad!


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ConsLIAllerswith inlpilil-eclIIearillg

or speech who have:Iccess10a TDD , or a co~lvcntiona]Lciet}’pclvriteiillay-


call 800-TDI)”CFEA(;(800-833-4-322)I


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Hotpoint RGB745GER, RGB744GER installation instructions 800.626.2000, ConsLIAllerswith inlpilil-eclIIearillg