Hotpoint RGB745GER, RGB744GER presentin the ineat,it will be, of fat for eflec~iveshaliowor

Models: RGB744GER RGB745GER

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presentin the ineat,it will be

*Do notuse water 011 grease tires, Never pick up a flaming pan. TuI-noff burner, [hen smother flaming pan by covering pan completely with w~e]l-fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat tray. Flaming grease outside a pan can be put out by covering with baking soda or, if avaiiab~e,a multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.

Q“VihenCoQl{ingpork9follow the directions exactly and always cook the meat to an internal temperatureof ;~tleast 1700F. This assures that, in the remote

p(~ssibi]itythat trichina may be

presentin the ineat,it will be

killed anti the meat will be safe


~Adj51sttopblIrIIer~a]mesize so it does notextendbeyondthe edge of the CooltwareExcessive.

flame is hazardous.

e use only dry pot holders— moistor damp pot holderson hot surfacesmay result in burns from steam. Do not let pot holderscome near open flames when liftingcookware.Do not use a towel or otherbulky cloth in place of a pot holder.

e To nlinimize the possibility of burns9 ignitionof flammable materials,and spillage,turn cookwarehandlestoward the side or back of the range without extendingover adjacentburners.

~Always turn surfaceburner to OFF before removing cookware,

e carefullywatch foods being friedat a high flame setting.

~ Never bloc~ithe vents (air openings) of the range. They

provide the air inlet and outlet tli~t are necessaryfor the range to operate properly with correct combustion.Air openings are located at the rear of the cooktop, at the top and bottom of the oven door and under the storage drawer.

~Do not use a Wol{on the

cooking surface if the wok has a rou]~dmetal ring ~hatis

QFoods for frying shouid I]eas ~::.


dry as possible.Frost on frozen . .

~~ -


foodsor moistureon fresh fOOdS -:-


can cause hot fat to bubbleup


and over sidesof pan.




e use least possibleamount


of fat for eflec~iveshaliowor


deep=fa~frying.Filling the pan


too full of fat can cause spillovers


when food is added.


@If a combination of oils or


fak will be used in frying9stir


togetherbeforeheating or as fats


melt slowly.


~Always heat fat slowly9and


watch as it heats.


@Use a deep fat ~be~mome~er


wheneverpossibleto prevent


overheatingfat beyondthe




5Use proper pan siz&Avoid


pans that are unstableor easily


tipped. Selectcookwarehaving


flat bottoms


properly contain food and avoid


boilovers and spillovers and


large enough to cover burner


grate. This will both save


cleaning time and prevent


hazardous accumulations of


food, since heavy spattering


or spillovers left on range can


ignite. Use pans with handles


that can be easily grasped and


remain cool.


6 when using glass Cooliwarey


placedover the burner grate to StlPPOY~~l]eWQkThis. ring acts

as a heat trap, which may damage the burner grate and burner head. Also, it may cause the burner to work improperly,This may cause

acarbon monoxide level above that ;~llowed by t:urrenl sta~~dards,





make sure it fi designed for top-


of-range cooking.


QKeep all plastics away from


top burn$rs.


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Hotpoint RGB745GER presentin the ineat,it will be, of fat for eflec~iveshaliowor, deep=fa~frying.Filling the pan