Installing the Switch

Installation Procedures

The Switch can simultaneously support one out-of-band console session through the Console Port and one in-band Telnet console session.

Terminal Configuration

To connect a console to the switch, configure the PC terminal emulator as a DEC VT-100 (ANSI) terminal or use a VT-100 terminal, and configure either one to operate with these settings:

any baud rate from 1200 to 115200 (the switch senses the speed)

8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and flow control set to Xon/Xoff

for the Windows Terminal program, also disable (uncheck) the “Use Function, Arrow, and Ctrl Keys for Windows” option

for the Hilgraeve HyperTerminal program, select the “Terminal keys” option for the “Function, Arrow, and Ctrl Keys act as” parameter

If you want to operate the console using a different configuration, make sure you change the settings on both the terminal and on the switch so they are compatible. Change the switch settings first, save your changes, then change the terminal settings, then reboot the switch and reestablish the console session.

Switch the Installing
