Getting Started With Switch Configuration

Using the IP Address for Remote Switch Management

The minimum operating systems, Web browsers, and Java support required to manage the switch through the browser interface are listed in the following table:

Operating System

Internet Explorer

Java Version





Windows 2000 SP4


SP2, 6.0 SP1

1.3.1_12 and 1.4.2_05




Windows XP SP1a

6.0 SP1

1.3.1_12 and 1.4.2_05





Windows Server 2003



1.3.1_12 and 1.4.2_05





The following illustration shows a typical web browser interface screen.

ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G - Status: Information

J8693A ProCurve Switch 3500yl-48G

PoE Status

Started With Switch






Figure 3-2. Web browser interface screen.

For more information on using the web browser interface, see the Management and Configuration Guide, which is on the HP ProCurve Web site at

An extensive help system is also available for the web browser interface. To access the help system though, the subnet on which the switch is installed must have access to the internet, or ProCurve Manager needs to be installed on a network management station that is on the subnet.
