
Possible cause





My image is

The camera

Set the camera to Macro



was set to

or to Normal focus, and try



Normal focus

taking the picture again. (See


when it should

Setting the focus range on



have been set

page 30.)





to Macro






focus, or vice















You moved the

Hold the camera steady as you


camera while

press the Shutter button or use


you took the

a tripod.














The light is low

In dim light, the camera requires


and the flash

a longer exposure. Use a tripod


is set to Flash

to hold the camera steady,



Off .

improve lighting conditions, or set



the flash to Flash On





page 33).








The camera

Use Focus Lock. (See Using focus


focused on the

lock on page 27.)




wrong thing, or






was unable to















My image is

The flash

Use the Flash Off

setting (see

too bright.

provided too

page 33).





much light.









You were too

Move back from the subject or use


close to the

the Flash Off

setting (see



subject to use

page 33), and take the picture


the flash.











Chapter 7: Troubleshooting and support