NOTE If the installation window does not appear, click Start, and then click Run. Type X:\Setup.exe, where X is the letter of your CD drive.

2Click Next, and then follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.

Your Windows CD may also include bonus software from other manufacturers. To install any bonus software:

1Click Start, click Run, and in the Open box, type X:\Bonus\setup.exe (where X is the letter of your CD drive).

2Click OK, and then follow the on-screen instructions to install the bonus software.


1Insert the HP Photo & Imaging software CD into the CD drive of your computer.

2Double-click the CD icon on the computer desktop.

3Double-click the installer icon, and then follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.

NOTE Before you can unload images from the camera to a Macintosh computer, you must first change the USB Configuration setting to Disk Drive in the Setup menu on the camera. See Chapter 6: Using the setup menu on page 70, and then see USB configuration on page 72.

Your Macintosh CD may also include bonus software from other manufacturers. To install any bonus software:

1Double-click the Bonus folder icon.

2Double-click the installer icon for the bonus software.

3Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.


hp photosmart 930 series user’s manual