Installation & Configuration Configuring the Host System

Configuring the Host System

CAUTION! The computer system should be powered-on, then the storage system should be powered-on to allow access to all filesets during the boot process. The disk modules in the four upper slots have delayed spin-up, so if the boot process starts before all the disks are online, some of the filesets may not be mounted

1.Power-on your computer, then power-on the storage system. If your boot device is located in the storage system, you may need to reboot your computer. Refer to your system administration manual or owner's guide for information on how to power-on and configure the storage system (see “Documentation References”).

2.Follow these tips on utility commands needed to configure different systems:

HP 3000 Series 900 Systems

Perform one of the following procedures:

Run SYSGEN to configure the logical device and device type, then reboot the system.

Run ioconfg to configure logical devices. In this case, no reboot is necessary.

HP 9000 Series 700 Systems

To install the drivers, regen the operating system kernel. This activates the device drivers and the card drivers. Then reboot the system.

HP 9000 Series 800 Systems

To install the drivers, regen the operating system kernel. This activates the device drivers and the card drivers. Then reboot the system.

Documentation References

HP-UX Manuals

Reference manuals for Logical Volume Management (LVM):

How HP-UX Works: Concepts for the System Administrator, part number B2355-90029.

System Administration Tasks

Solving HP-UX Problems

