DDS Tape Module
Backup Routines
Model 3: Monthly and Weekly Rotation with Daily Backup
Number of cartridges needed: 6 sets for full backup
4 sets for partial backup
The backup model which offers optimum data protection uses six full backup sets (three monthly and three weekly), and four sets for daily partial backups. This model is recommended if you compile large quantities of data where loss would be disastrous. It also provides the best method of securing data from software viruses.
The four sets of cartridges for daily partial backup are labeled Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, as in model 2.
Three sets of cartridges are used in rotation for a weekly full backup on Fridays. Two of these sets are stored
The final three sets of cartridges are used for a full backup on the first working day of each month, again in rotation. This is in addition to the usual backup that would be made that day, so the normal routine is maintained. As with the weekly cartridges, the monthly sets should be stored
Module Tape DDS