HP OpenVMS 8.x manual Tdc

Models: OpenVMS 8.x

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adding system files, 136 analyzing and repairing, 80 backing up, 247–253

after an installation, 143

after installation or upgrade, 115 alternate disk for, 251

before an upgrade, 85

from OpenVMS main menu, 32 boot options, 165

booting, 72, 178 after installation, 76

checking amount of free space on, 138 creating, 55

defined, 25, 277 initializing, 55, 98

alternative methods, 34, 269 preparing an alternate for backup, 251 preparing for upgrade, 79 preserving, 34, 55, 98

removing system files, 136 restoring, 249

restoring files on, 32 space needed

for upgrade, 80

to decompress libraries, 138 specifying

during installation, 55 during upgrade, 98

unique volume label requirement, 247 upgrading, 84

System Dump Analyzer (see SDA)

System event log (SEL), 172 System Generation utility

(see SYSGEN)

System Integrated Products

(see SIPs (System Integrated Products), Layered products)

SYSTEST account

creating after installation or upgrade, 143 SYSUAFALT.DAT file, 184


Target disk

using backup copy for, 85 Target drive, 248

defined, 25

TCP/IP third-party

installing, 122

OpenVMS Management Station, 262 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS

configuring, 122 defined, 277 installing, 64

installing or upgrading, 33 upgrading, 105


(see Performance Data Collector base software (TDC_RT), Performance Data Collector (TDC))


(see Performance Data Collector base software (TDC_RT))


setting during an installation, 62

Temporary Instant Capacity (see TiCAP (Temporary Instant Capacity))

TiCAP (Temporary Instant Capacity) defined, 278

requirements, 33, 66, 106 Time differential factor

(see TDF) Time zones

setting during an installation, 61 updating during an upgrade, 104


EFI boot option, 169 Troubleshooting

InfoServer boot problems, 201 system problems, 186

Tuning operating system, 144


UAFALTERNATE logical name, 184

UETP (User Environment Test Package), 143 defined, 278


OpenVMS operating system, 267 recovery data for, 100

Upgrade, 95–112booting

operating system kit, 95–97cautions and restrictions, 78 checklist, 95

concurrent (OpenVMS Cluster), 89 disk space requirement, 80 effect

on command procedures, 136 on layered products, 79

on MODPARAMS.DAT file, 146 OpenVMS Cluster

adding a new CPU, 89 preliminary tasks, 87–93preparing for, 87–93

required operating system version, 90 paths, 78

PCSI, 33

preparation checklist, 77 procedure, 97–112recovery data, 100

rolling (OpenVMS Cluster), 90 shadowed disks, 84

stages of, 95 time zones, 104

User accounts

creating after installation or upgrade, 143 User authorization file (see UAF)

290 Index

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HP OpenVMS 8.x manual Tdc