Introduction and Related Information
How this Install Guide is Organized
Chapter | Section | Content |
Appendix A | How to Create a System | This section provides a brief |
Backup | description of creating a system | |
Information |
| backup. |
| How to Install Optional | This section provides an example of |
| Software Products | how to install one of the optional |
| software products that ships on the |
| application release DVD. |
| How to Identify your | This section shows you the |
| Model, OS and Software | commands for finding information |
| about your system. |
| How to Find HP on the | This section provides several useful |
| Web | URL’s that you can use to find |
| various HP reference material on |
| the web, such as user manuals, |
| manpages, |
| documents, safety information and |
| more. |
Appendix B | Errors and Warnings | This section describes what to do if |
In Case of Trouble |
| you encounter certain errors. |
Appendix C | Data Collection Tables | This section contains the data |
Data Collection |
| collection tables (each on a separate |
Tables |
| page so that you can make |
| photocopies if necessary) that you |
| will use to record |
Chapter 1 | 11 |