Using the PC

To remove a diskette, press the Eject button 1 on the diskette drive.

CAUTION: Wait until the diskette drive activity is complete (the activity light 2 stops glowing) before removing a diskette. Removing a diskette, when the drive is reading from or writing to the diskette, can damage the diskette or the information stored on it.

Remove the diskette from the drive, prior to shutting down Microsoft Windows.

Using the Hard Disk Drive

As you create and save files, download information from the Internet, install applications, or receive e-mail messages and attachments, your hard disk drive storage space diminishes. The amount of information you can store on your PC’s hard disk drive depends on the size of the drive.

The PC comes with a hard disk drive that is preloaded with software programs and a partition within the hard disk drive that takes up a certain amount of space on the hard disk drive.

The system recovery image is in a partition area of the hard disk drive. This disk space is not available for your use.

Getting Started
