Maintaining the PC

Emptying the Recycle Bin

After you delete files from the hard disk drive, they are sent to the Recycle Bin. You can retrieve files that are sent to the Recycle Bin as long as you have not emptied it.

Once you empty the Recycle Bin, your files are permanently deleted.

1.Double-click the Recycle Bin icon on your Windows desktop.

2.On the File menu, click Empty Recycle Bin to delete all files.

3.Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Scanning the Hard Disk Drive

You can scan the hard disk drive to search for and repair errors.

Your PC may not have the ScanDisk application installed.

1.Close all open programs.

2.Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.

3.Click My Computer.

4.Right-click the hard disk drive you want to check.

Getting Started
