Parameter | Description | Possible values |
*For Windows components, the default location is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\CPQSYSTEM\ hp\log<netAddress> and the redirected location is <path>\hp\log\ <netAddress>.
*For Linux components, the default location is /var/hp/log/<netAddress> and the redirected location is <path>/hp/log/ <netAddress>.
CMALOCALHOSTRWCOMMSTR | Specifies an SNMP read/write community | SNMP read/write community string |
| string for local host access. (Applies to Linux |
| PSP only.) |
| string for local host access. (Applies to Linux |
| PSP only.) |
CMAMGMTSTATIONRWIPORDNS | Specifies the IP address or DNS host name | IP address, DNS name |
| of a system with read/write access to serve |
| as a management station. You can specify |
| multiple locations separated by a space. |
| (Applies to Linux PSP only.) |
CMAMGMTSTATIONRWCOMMSTR | Specifies an SNMP read/write community | SNMP read/write community string |
| string for a system with read/write access |
| that serves as a management station. You |
| can specify multiple strings separated by a |
| space. (Applies to Linux PSP only.) |
CMAMGMTSTATIONROIPORDNS | Specifies the IP address or DNS host name | IP address, DNS name |
| of a system with |
| as a management station. You can specify |
| multiple locations separated by a space. |
| (Applies to Linux PSP only.) |
CMAMGMTSTATIONROCOMMSTR | Specifies an SNMP read/write community | SNMP read/write community string |
| string for a system with |
| serves as a management station. You can |
| specify multiple strings separated by a |
| space. (Applies to Linux PSP only.) |
CMADEFTRAPCOMMSTR | Sets a default SNMP community string for | SNMP community string |
| traps. (Applies to Linux PSP only.) |
CMATRAPDESTINATIONCOMMSTR | Specifies the SNMP destination trap | SNMP trap destination |
| community string. (Applies to Linux PSP |
| only.) |
CMATRAPDESTINATIONIPORDNS | Specifies the IP address or DNS host name | IP address, DNS name |
| of a server as a destination for SNMP traps, |
| such as Systems Insight Manager. (Applies |
| to Linux PSP only.) |
CMASYSCONTACT | Specifies a person or phone number for | String value |
| administration of this system. (Applies to |
| Linux PSP only.) |
CMASYSLOCATION | Designates the location of this system. |
| (Applies to Linux PSP only.) |
CMASTARTWEBAGENT | Determines whether the HP Systems Insight |
| Manager Web Agent is started when the |
String value
•YES (start the web agent)
•NO (do not start the web agent)