Network Configuration
Setting Up the Network Configuration File
$ ttgen
Here the
If there are inconsistencies in the configuration file, ttgen may report errors or warnings. These should be corrected and ttgen rerun until it runs without error.
Once ttgen has been successfully run, ACC Mux subsystem must be restarted (note this command must be executed as superuser). First stop ACC Mux using:
$ zmasterd stop
Starting ACC Subsystem and Analyzer
Once the ttgen file is properly configured, the ACC Mux subsystem can be started using the appropriate .tmem file.
$ zmasterd cold /opt/acc/cfg/x25an_sample.tmem
Once ACC Mux is up and running, start the pcapture daemon.
$ pcapture
The pcapture program can also be started automatically with the ACC Mux Subsystem by adding the statement “start pcapture” to the file /opt/acc/cfg/zmasterd_list. This will cause zmasterd to automatically start this program.
Appendix A | 47 |