Troubleshooting HP-UX IPQoS

Sample Error and Warning Messages

Table 6-3

Sample Warning and Informational Messages









INFO: Filter '%s' requires expansion

Be aware that specifying domain

due to use of domain names in

names can lead to the creation of

attributes requiring IP addresses.

multiple filters.



INFO: Filter '%s' requires expansion

Be aware that specifying service

due to use of service names in

names can lead to the creation of

attributes requiring IP addresses.

multiple filters.



INFO: Ignoring policy '%s' -- it uses

Edit the configuration file to either

no filters.


remove the specified policy block or



assign it a filter.



INFO: Ignoring adapter '%s' -- it uses

Edit the configuration file to either

no policies.


remove specified adapter block, or



assign it a policy.



WARNING: Filters '%s' and '%s'

Closely examine the specified filters.



In this example, the Source



addresses attributes are where the

Overlapping attributes are:

overlap occurs.

Source ports [not set]

Each attribute listed displays one of

Destination ports [not set]

the following:

Source addresses [superset]

- [not set]: Attribute is not set in the

Destination addresses [not set]

filters, hence is not the source of the

Network protocols [not set]


Transport protocols [not set]

- [superset]: Attribute in one of the

DSCPs [Intersection]

filters is a superset of the other, and

MAC addresses [Superset]

the priority assignment does not



make logical sense



- [intersection]: Attributes in the



filters intersect, and the priority



assignment does not make logical








Chapter 6