
1/4 inch headphones 136 1394 7, 109

2.0multichannel audio system 41

2.1Home Stereo Installation 42

2.1home stereo installation 41, 42

2.1multichannel audio system 42

2.1powered speaker 49

4.1Home Theater Audio 43

4.1powered speaker 50

5.1home theater audio 44

5.1multichannel audio system 44

5.1powered speaker 51 5/4.1 home audio installation 43

7.1Home Theater Audio 45

7.1multichannel audio system 45

7.1powered speaker 52

802.11b/g 117

9-in-1 card readers 5


active (powered) speakers 48 Additional equipment 32 adjusting

desktop display resolution 144 front panel brightness 135 speaker volume 138

Adjusting the Volume 138 Alt+F5 142

Analog Camcorder 112 Antenna (ATSC) 81 Antenna (NTSC and ATSC) 82 Antenna Connection 80

for FM radio 56 73

Application and System Recovery 172 Application Recovery 157

ATSC 73, 74 antenna 73

from VHF/UHF antenna 78 HDTV Channels 151


Audio 7.1 Pre-Out 6 audio configuration 136 Audio Connection

Typical 38 audio files

codec errors 168

do not appear in Media Library 169 Audio In connection 55

Audio Output 139

Audio Problems and Solutions 160 audio settings 139

Audio system equipment 32 Audio/Video flow 21


back panel

location of connections 6 system diagram 22

video connector locations 76 Basic Setup 27

Basic TV audio setup (2.0) 39 batteries 13

installing in keyboard 128 installing in remote control 16 replacing in keyboard 13 type

for keyboard 13

for remote control 16 before you start

additional items necessary 32 cables you may need 31 components supplied 29 safety information 17

Benefits 2 Brightness 135

brightness, adjusting front panel display 135 broadband Internet 113

Broadband Internet equipment 32 button functions, remote control 14 buttons

configuring keyboard 154

Index 179
