| Troubleshooting | |
Problem | Cause/Point to check | Action |
A video file cannot be played | The file format is not supported. | Convert the file to MPEG or other supported format. |
correctly. |
| Refer to "Supported Formats" (p.9). |
| If the problem file is an AVI file, check | If a |
| played. When creating or playing an AVI file, check if "interleaving" |
| |
| if the file is "interleaved." |
| |
| is enabled or the file is "interleaved." For interleaving of a file |
| |
| |
| during the file creation process, refer to the Help screens or manual |
| of the encoding application you are using. |
It takes some time for the | If there is no network connection, the | If the server selection screen is not displayed after around 1 minute |
screen to be displayed after | screen will not be displayed promptly | or so, reconnect the power to restart the AVeL Link Player. |
the power to the AVeL Link | because the IP address cannot be |
Player is turned on. | obtained. |
The AVeL Link Player always | The AVeL Link Player is set to log in to | 1. Go to the login selection screen (showing a list of server names), |
logs in to the same server | that server (computer) automatically. | which is displayed when the AVeL Link Player is started. |
(computer) when the power is |
| If the message "Cannot connect to the specified server" is |
turned on. |
| displayed, press the SERVER button on the remote controller to |
| |
| return to the login selection screen. |
| 2. Select Edit. |
| 3. Select the name of the computer you want to cancel the auto login |
| to. |
| 4. Clear the check box of Always connect to this AVeL Link Server. |
| 5. Select Save. |
A DivX file cannot be played | The DivX file you are trying to play is | Refer to "Supported Formats" (p.9). |
and the screen shows | encoded with Quarter Pixel setting. |
| |
Files with a ".ORIGINAL" | These files are created in order to retain | When an OpenDivX3 video file is converted automatically, the |
extension are created in the | the original data of OpenDivX3 video | original data will be saved as a .ORIGINAL file. If you don't want |
folder specified under VIDEO | files when they are converted. | the original data, you can delete the .ORIGINAL file. |
in AVeL Link Server. |
| You can also set AVeL Link Server so that the original data files |
| will be automatically deleted after conversion. |
| Refer to "Reference on AVeL Link Server" (p.58). |
A still image written to a CD | The still image file you are trying to | The AVeL Link Player only supports JPEG as the format of photo |
or DVD is not displayed. | view is not created in JPEG. | data stored in a DVD/CD, USB equipment or UHDL SERIES. |
| It does not support files written in BMP or other format. |
A still image is displayed with | The still image you are trying to view | When a still image file in a DVD/CD, USB equipment or UHDL |
a black border. | exceeds the maximum resolution. | SERIES is displayed, it will be automatically shrunk if the file |
| exceeds the maximum resolution supported. |
| In this case, a black border may appear around the image. |