d.Your computer has extra power connectors for connecting additional drives. Connect the power cable to the drive.
8.Clear any cables that might impede replacement of the drive cage.
9.Pivot the drive cage back into place.
What to do next:
vTo work with another option, go to the appropriate section.
vTo complete the installation, go to “Replacing the cover and connecting the cables” on page 21.
Installing security features
To help prevent hardware theft and unauthorized access to your computer, several security lock options are available. The following sections will help you identify and install the various types of locks that might be available for your computer. In addition to physical locks, unauthorized use of your computer can be prevented by a software lock that locks the keyboard until a correct password is typed in.
Make sure that any security cables you install do not interfere with other computer cables.
Identifying security locks
The following illustration shows the locations of the security features on the rear of the computer.
1Rope clip
2Integrated cable lock