How the POP Server Uses the Mail Server Framework
The POP server uses snap-ins to perform POP server mail functions. Snap-ins are
user exit programs that are called by the mail server framework. For more
information about snap-ins and mail server framework processing, see


Mail Server Framework Support

The POP mail server uses the following snap-ins:
vAddress Resolution
vEnvelope Processing
vAttachment Conversion
vLocal Delivery
vMessage Forwarding
vAttachment Management
Exchanging Mail with OfficeVisionConfiguring Both POP and SMTP
For TCP/IP mail to be received correctly by OfficeVisionor processed by SNADS,
both SMTP and the POP server must be correctly configured. This allows SMTP to
process simple SMTP mail and the POP server to process MIME-formatted mail.
For mail sent to or from OfficeVision you may want to alter the following SMTP
attributes (using the CHGSMTPAcommand):
vUser ID delimiter (USRIDDELIM)
vCoded character set identifier (CCSID)
vOutgoing and incoming mapping tables (TBLSMTPOUT,TBLSMTPIN)
POP attributes that could affect mail to or from OfficeVision(which you can change
with the CHGPOPAcommand) include:
vMessage split size (MSGSPLIT)
vMIME CCSID conversion parameters (MIMECCSID).
Using *ANY Support with the POP Server
Youcan use *ANY support when sending mail between two systems to avoid
entering information about every mail recipient.
A POP client using SMTPcan send mail to any remote SMTP user without having a
directory entry (directory entries are only required on systems where you receive
the mail). However, an OfficeVision(SNADS) user must have a directory entry on
the sending system for every person he wants to send to (local or remote).
Tomake this easier, and to reduce the number of entries on the sending system, a
SNADS user can enter an *ANY for the entire remote system. An entry where the
User ID is *ANY and the Address is SYSTEMA allows OfficeVisionusers to send mail
to anyone with an address of SYSTEMA, for example:
Chapter9. Post Office Protocol (POP) Mail Server 297