Younow need to ensure that the remote system’s print queue exists before starting
the pass-through process.
This completes the setup processing.
Starting Printer Pass-Through
Tostart printer pass-through, perform the following steps:
1. Use the

Start Remote Writer

(STRRMTWTR) command.
2. Specify the queue name on the local (LPR) system that you created in the
previous section. This starts a writer in the QSPL subsystem that, when using
TCP/IP,uses LPR to send printer files to the remote (LPD) system.
3. Ensure that LPD is operational on the remote system and, in the case of the
AS/400, that the remote printer writer is active.
In the event of problems with this processing, the writer’s job log is often a useful
source of problem analysis material. Toaccess this while the job is running, specify
the WRKACTJOB SBS(QSPL) command and select Option 5against the writer job.
Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ)
Type choices, press Enter.
Output queue..........OUTQ > SYSNAM123
Library ........... *CURLIB
Maximum spooled file size: MAXPAGES
Number of pages ....... *NONE
Starting time ........
Ending time .........
+ for more values
Order of files on queue ....SEQ *FIFO
Remote system .........RMTSYS > SYSNAM123
Remote printer queue......RMTPRTQ SYSNAM456
Writers to autostart......AUTOSTRWTR *NONE
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel
F13=How to use this display F24=More keys
Figure 216. Create Remote Output Queue—Display 1 of 2
Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ)
Type choices, press Enter.
Queue for writer messages . . . MSGQ QSYSOPR
Library ........... *LIBL
Connection type ........CNNTYPE > *IP
Destination type........DESTTYPE *OS400
Transform SCS to ASCII.....TRANSFORM *NO
Figure 217. Create Remote Output Queue—Display 2 of 2
Chapter11. Line Printer Requester (LPR) 355