WorkPad z50 Mobile Companion 21
Symptom-to-FRU Index
The symptom-to-FRU Ind ex lis ts t h e s ymp toms and errors
and the possible caus es. The most likely caus e is listed first.
Note: Perform t h e FRU repl acement or actions in the
sequence shown in the “ FRU/Action” columns. If
a FRU replacement did n ot solve the problem, put
the original part back in the WorkPad z50. Do not
replace a nondefective FRU.
This index can also help you determine the next possible
FRUs to be replaced wh en servicing the WorkPad z50.
Numeric error codes show the err ors d etected in system
operation. In the following error c od es, X c an be any
number. If no codes ar e available, use narr ative symptoms.
If the symptom is not listed, go to “Undetermined Problems”
on page 26.
Note: For IBM devices not supported by diagnostic
codes in WorkPad computers, see the manual
for that device.
Numeric Error Codes
Symptom / Error FRU / Action in Sequence
101 IR error
101 IR error Mainboard
201 checksum error
202 DRAM test error (on
203 DRAM test error
(DRAM module)
204 VRAM test error
201 ROM checksum error 1. Reinstall ROM card
2. ROM card
3. Mainboard
202 DRAM test error (on
board DRAM) Mainboard
203 DRAM test error (DRAM
module) 1. Reinstall DRAM module
2. DRAM module
3. Mainboard
204 VRAM test error Mainboard
301 Keyboard error
301 Keyboard error 1. Reinstall keyboard
2. Keyboard
3. Mainboard