IBM T200F manual Asc/Ascq

Models: T200F T200

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Table 109. Sense Keys and Additional Sense (continued)

Sense Key

Additional Sense








Medium Error

Write Error (0C00h)

A WRITE operation has failed. This is probably due



to bad media, but may be related to hardware.




Medium Error

Unrecovered Read

A READ operation failed. This is probably due to bad


Error (1100h)

media, but may be related to hardware.




Medium Error

Recorded Entity Not

A SPACE or LOCATE command failed because a


Found (1400h)

format violation prevented the target of the operation



from being found.




Medium Error

Unknown Format

An operation could not be carried out because the



tape in the drive is of a format not supported by the







Medium Error

Incompatible Format

An operation could not be completed because the



Logical Format is not correct.




Medium Error

Medium Format

Data could not be read because the format on tape


Corrupted (3100h)

is not valid, but is a known format. A failure occurred



attempting to write the FID.




Medium Error


A command has failed and left the logical position at


Positioning Error

an unexpected location.







Medium Error

Write Append Error

A WRITE-type command failed because the point at



which to append data was unreadable.




Medium Error

Cartridge Fault

A command could not be completed due to a fault in



the tape cartridge.




Medium Error

Media Load/Eject

An attempt to load or eject the tape failed due to a


Failed (5300h)

problem with the tape.





Manual Intervention

A tape is present in the drive but could not be loaded

Error (4h)

Required (0403h)

or unloaded without manual intervention.





Diagnostic Failure

A diagnostic test failed. The Additional Sense Code

Error (4h)


Qualifier is a vendor-specific code that indicates the



failing component.





Internal Target

A hardware failure has been detected in the drive

Error (4h)

Failure (4400h)

and caused the command to fail.





Erase Failure

An ERASE command failed to erase the required

Error (4h)


area on the medium.





Media Load/Eject

An attempt to load or eject the tape failed due to a

Error (4h)

Failed (5300h)

problem with the drive.





Parameter List

The amount of parameter data sent is incorrect.

Request (5h)

Length Error (1A00h)






Invalid Command

The Operation Code in the command was not valid.

Request (5h)

Operation Code









Invalid Field in CDB

An invalid field has been detected in a Command

Request (5h)


Descriptor Block.





LUN Not Supported

The command was addressed to a non-existent

Request (5h)


logical unit number.





Invalid Field in

An invalid field has been detected in the data sent

Request (5h)

Parameter List

during the data phase.







90Ultrium Internal Tape Drive and 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive: SCSI Reference

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IBM T200F manual Asc/Ascq