IBM T200F manual Sense Keys and Additional Sense, Sense Key Additional Sense Explanation

Models: T200F T200

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Chapter 4. Sense Keys and Additional Sense

Note: If temporary error reporting is enabled, many combinations of the Additional Sense Code and Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASC/ASCQ) are possible.

Table 109. Sense Keys and Additional Sense

Sense Key

Additional Sense








No Sense

No Additional Sense

The flags in the sense data indicate the reason for



the command failure.




No Sense

Mark (0001h)

A READ or a SPACE command has terminated early



because a file mark has been encountered. The File



Mark flag is set.




No Sense

EOM (0002h)

A WRITE or WRITE FILE MARKS command ended



in the early warning area. EOM flag is set.




No Sense

BOM (0004h)

A SPACE command ended at Beginning of Tape. The



EOM bit is also set.




No Sense

Op in Progress

A new operation could not be carried out because an



operation is currently in progress.




No Sense

Drive Requires

The drive has detected that a cleaning operation is


Cleaning (8282h)

advisable to maintain good operation.





No Additional Sense

A recovered error has occurred.

Error (1h)







Write Error (0C00h)

A write error occurred, but was recovered. Data was

Error (1h)


written to tape successfully.





Read Error (1100h)

A read error occurred, but was recovered. Data was

Error (1h)


successfully read from tape.





Recovered Data with

An error occurred, but was successfully recovered

Error (1h)

Retries (1701h)

with retries.





Media Load or Eject

A LOAD or UNLOAD command required retries to

Error (1h)

Error (5300h)

complete successfully.





Failure Prediction

Failure Prediction thresholds have been exceeded,

Error (1h)

Threshold (5D00h)

indicating that a failure may occur soon.




Not Ready

Cause Not

A tape is present in the drive, but it is in the process


Reportable (0400h)

of being unloaded.




Not Ready

Becoming Ready

A medium access command has been received



during a front-panel-initiated load or an immediately



reported LOAD command.




Not Ready

Initializing Command

A tape is present in the drive, but it is not logically


Required (0402h)

loaded. A LOAD command is required.




Not Ready

Cleaning Cartridge

An operation could not be carried out because the


Installed (3003h)

tape in the drive is a cleaning cartridge.




Not Ready

Cleaning Failure

A cleaning operation was attempted, but could not be



completed for some reason.




Not Ready

Medium Not Present

A media access command has been received when



there is no tape loaded.




Not Ready

Logical Unit Has Not

The drive has powered on, has not completed its self



test sequence, and cannot process commands.







© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2000


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IBM T200F manual Sense Keys and Additional Sense, Sense Key Additional Sense Explanation