IBM T200F manual Supported Extended Messages

Models: T200F T200

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Extended Messages

Table 114. Supported Extended Messages







Synchronous Data


The default mode is for the drive to never initiate a

Transfer Request


Synchronous data transfer negotiation. The initiator is



expected to do so. Since this mode is most important at



power-on, no SCSI method of changing this mode is



provided. Instead, an internal method of changing this



mode is provided (VPD or jumper setting). If the message



is received after selection and before the Command



phase, it then goes to the Message In phase and



responds with a valid response to complete the



negotiation. If the message is received at any other time, a



Message Reject is sent in response, placing the drive data



transfer mode for that initiator to asynchronous.




Wide Data Transfer


The default mode is for the drive to never initiate a Wide



data transfer negotiation. The initiator is expected to do



so. Since this mode is most important at power-on, no



SCSI method of changing this mode is provided. Instead,



an internal method of changing this mode is provided



(VPD or jumper setting). If the message is received after



selection and before the Command phase, it then goes to



the Message In phase and responds with a valid response



to complete the negotiation. If the message is received at



any other time, a Message Reject is sent in response,



placing the Bus Width to 1 byte wide and data transfer



mode to asynchronous for that initiator.




100Ultrium Internal Tape Drive and 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive: SCSI Reference

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IBM T200F manual Supported Extended Messages