Error and Informational Messages

When you turn on the system, POST displays messages that provide information about the system. If a failure occurs, POST emits beep codes that indicate errors in hardware, software, or firmware. If POST can display a message on the video display screen, it causes the speaker to beep twice as the message appears.

Port-80 Codes and Countdown Codes

After the video adapter has been successfully initialized, the BIOS indicates the current testing phase during POST after the video adapter has been successfully initialized by outputting a 2-digit hex code to I/O location 80h. If a port-80h ISA POST card is installed, it displays the 2-digit code on a pair of hex display LEDs.

POST Error Codes and Messages

The following error codes and messages are representative of various conditions BIOS identifies. The exact strings and error numbers may be different from those listed here.


Solving Problems