Web page design
You must have an 'index.html' file as that is what the web server will look for as the first page of your website. You are free to make folders under the ‘www’ directory to help organize your website. All references to those directories can be called on from any page. You can use many popular web page design programs to make your website and then copy the finished product (all associated images, files and folders also) to the ‘www’ shared folder.
Accessing the website
Users with a static WAN IP address can access the website simply by typing in the IP address on any browser. If you are on the inside of the network, you must use the WAN IP address to access the website, not the internal appliance IP address. If you have a domain name, then you can have the domain name company forward the domain to this static IP address. With a domain name, you do not have to remember the IP address, just the domain name.
If you have a dynamic IP, you can setup a DDNS account and enable the DDNS feature of your appliance to make your website accessible without having to find out the current IP address. Refer to the DDNS Chapter for more information.
Important Note:
The ‘www’ share defaults to allow ‘guest’ users to have access. Please go into NAS Management