140 SBG1000 Wireless Cable Modem Gateway User Guide
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Configuration: Basic Gateway TCP/IP Wireless Print Server USB
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NAS network access server
NAT Network Address Translation is an Internet standard for a LAN to use one set of IP addresses for
internal traffic and a second set of IP addresses for external traffic. NAT provides some security
because the IP addresses of SBG1000 LAN computers are invisible on th e Internet.
If NAT is enabled on the Gateway page, there is a one-to-one mapping between each public IP
address and client IP address.
NAPT Network Address Port Translation is the most common form of addr ess translation between public and
private IP addresses. NAPT is a mapping of one public IP address to many priv ate IP addresses. If
NAPT is enabled on the Gateway page, one public IP address is mapped to an individu al private
IP address for up to 245 LAN clients.
NEC National Electrical Code (United States) — The regulations for construction and installation of
electrical wiring and apparatus, suitable for mandatory application by a wide ran ge of state and local
network Two or more computers connected to communicate with each other. Networks have traditionally been
connected using some kind of wiring.
network driver Software packaged with a NIC that enables the computer to communicate with the NI C.
network layer Layer 3 in the OSI archite cture that provides services to establish a path between open systems. The
network layer knows the address of the neighboring nodes, packages out put with the correct network
address data, selects routes, and recognizes and forwards to the transpor t layer incoming messages
for local host domains.
NIC A network interface card converts computer data to serial da ta in a packet format that it sends over the
LAN. A NIC is installed in an expansion slot or can be built-in. Every Ethernet NIC has a MAC address
permanently saved in its ROM.
node On a LAN, a generic term for any network device.
On an HFC network, the interface between the fiber-optic trunk and coa xial cable feeders to
subscriber locations. A node is typically located in the subscriber neighb orhood.
noise Random spurts of electrical energy or interface. May produce a salt-and -pepper pattern on a television
ohm A unit of electrical resistance.
OSI The Open Systems Interconnection reference model is an illustrative model describing how data
moves from an application on the source host through a network to an app lication on the destination
host. It is a conceptual framework developed by ISO that is now the primary model for intercomputer
communications. OSI is a model only; it does not define a specific networking interface.