About This Guide
This preface provides the following guidelines for using the Hardware Guide:
■Objectives on page ix
■Audience on page ix
■Documentation Conventions on page x
■Related Juniper Networks Documentation on page xi
■Obtaining Documentation on page xiii
■Documentation Feedback on page xiii
■Requesting Support on page xiv
This guide provides the information you need to install, start, maintain, and troubleshoot a
NOTE: If the information in the latest SRC Release Notes differs from the information in this guide, follow the SRC Release Notes.
This guide is intended for experienced system and network specialists working with JUNOSe routers and JUNOS routing platforms in an Internet access environment. We assume that readers know how to use the routing platforms, directories, and RADIUS servers that they will deploy in their SRC networks. For users who deploy the SRC software on a Solaris platform, we also assume that readers are familiar with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and the UNIX operating system.
If you are using the SRC software in a cable network environment, we assume that you are familiar with the PacketCable Multimedia Specification (PCMM) as defined by Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. (CableLabs) and with the
Objectives ■ ix