Juniper Networks C2000, C4000 Unpacking and Inspecting the C-series Platform, Before You Begin

Models: C4000 C2000

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Chapter 2

Unpacking and Inspecting the C-series Platform

This chapter reviews shipping contents and unpacking procedures for the C-series platform. It contains the following topics:

Before You Begin on page 11

Unpacking the Units on page 12

Inspecting System Components and Accessories on page 12

If You Detect or Suspect Damage on page 12

Contacting Juniper Networks on page 12

The Next Step on page 12

Before You Begin

Before you begin unpacking the item, be sure you have the following tools:

A No. 2 Phillips screwdriver

A utility knife

A mechanical lift, or at least one person to assist in lifting

Before You Begin 11

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Juniper Networks C2000, C4000 manual Unpacking and Inspecting the C-series Platform, Before You Begin