JVC GR-DVM75 specifications EN79, Corrective Action

Models: GR-DVM75

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10. The color of Snapshot looks


10. • The light source or the subject


10. • Set “FLASH” to “ON” in the




does not include white. Or


Menu Screen. Or find a white




there are various different


subject and compose your






light sources behind the


shot so that it also appears in









the frame ( pg. 26, 50, 54).




• The Sepia or Monotone mode


• Turn off Sepia and Monotone




is activated.





( pg. 46, 47).










11. Although Snapshot is


11. • The subject is too bright with


11. • Set “FLASH” to “ON” in the



attempted, flash does not


the flash set to “AUTO” or


Menu Screen ( pg. 40).




take place.





• It can take up to 10 seconds




• If

blinks, the flash is being


to charge the flash.











• Set the camcorder in the






• The camcorder is in the


Record-Standby mode






Record mode.


( pg. 50, 54).






• In the Menu Screen, “GAIN


• Set “GAIN UP” to “AUTO






UP” is set to “OFF” or “




” or “AGC” ( pg. 39)





PROGRAM AE” is set to


or disengage the “TWILIGHT”







mode ( pg. 46, 47).










12. Although a Snapshot is taken


12. • The subject does not look


12. • The subject should look straight



with the flash, Red-Eye


straight toward the flash.


toward the flash, especially the


Reduction does not take


• The subject does not look at


first flash. If the subject does not




the first flash, which is an


see the first flash, it will be






important part of Red-Eye


difficult for Red-Eye Reduction









to take place ( pg. 54).






• The camcorder is too far from


• The flash is effective for






the subject.





subjects at a distance of






• “FLASH” is not set to “AUTO


approx. 0.7 m (2 ft) to 2 m






in the Menu Screen.


(6.5 ft) from the camcorder












( pg. 54).












• Set “FLASH” to “AUTO










in the Menu Screen to display










the Red-Eye Reduction












indicator ( pg. 54).










13. The image taken using


13. • “FLASH” is set to “OFF” in the


13. • Set “FLASH” to any position



Snapshot is too dark.


Menu Screen.


except “OFF” in the Menu






• The flash emission window is


Screen ( pg. 54).






covered by fingers, etc..


• Do not cover the flash






• The flash brightness is set to


emission window.






produce a darker image


• Adjust the flash brightness to a





(adjustment value: –3).


larger value ( pg. 55).










• The camcorder is too far from


• The flash is effective for






the subject.





subjects at a distance of






• Shooting was performed


approx. 0.7 m (2 ft) to 2 m






under backlit conditions.


(6.5 ft) ( pg. 54).












• Press the BACKLIGHT Button










( pg. 52).










14. The image taken using


14. • “FLASH” is set to “ON” in the


14. • Set “FLASH” to any parameter



Snapshot is too bright.


Menu Screen.


other than “ON” in the Menu










Screen ( pg. 54).












15. Digital Zoom does not work.


15. • 10X optical zoom is selected.


15. • Set “ZOOM” to “40X” or






• “PROGRAM AE” is set to


“200X” in the Menu Screen






“VIDEO ECHO” in the Menu


( pg. 39).











• Disengage the “VIDEO






• Picture Wipe or Dissolve are


ECHO” mode ( pg. 19, 46,




being used in a scene













• Wait until the Picture Wipe or










Dissolve effects are completed










( pg. 19, 48).

















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Image 79
JVC GR-DVM75 specifications EN79, Corrective Action