JVC GR-DVM75 specifications 82 EN, Video

Models: GR-DVM75

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34. The LCD monitor or


34. • Certain Fade/Wipe effects,


34. Re-read the sections covering


viewfinder indications


certain modes of Program AE


Fade/Wipe effects, Program




with special effects, “DIS” and


AE with special effects and




other functions that cannot be


“DIS” ( pg. 39, 46 – 49).




used together are selected at







the same time.












35. Colored bright spots appear


35. • The LCD monitor and the





all over the LCD monitor or


viewfinder are made with





the viewfinder.


high-precision technology.







However, black spots or







bright spots of light (red, green







or blue) may appear







constantly on the LCD







monitor or the viewfinder.







These spots are not recorded







on the tape. This is not due to







any defect of the unit.







(Effective dots: more than







99.99 %)












36. During recording, sound


36. • The optional headphones are


36. • Connect the optional


cannot be heard. (GR-


not connected to the


headphones to the headphone


DVM75 only)


headphones connector.


connector ( pg. 86, 87).




• The sound volume of the


• Adjust the sound volume




headphones connector was


during playback ( pg. 21).




not adjusted appropriately.







The sound volume at this







point is the same as the level







it was adjusted to during



















37. Play, Rewind and Fast-


37. • The Power Switch is not set


37. • Set the Power Switch to


Forward functions do not


to “

” or “



” ( pg. 21).




VIDEO/DSC Switch is set to


• Set the VIDEO/DSC Switch to















38. A memory card cannot be


38. • The Power Switch is not set to


38. • Set the Power Switch to


played back.


” or “



” ( pg. 28).




VIDEO/DSC Switch is set to


• Set the VIDEO/DSC Switch to















39. The tape is moving, but


39. • Your TV has AV input


39. • Set the TV to the mode or


there is no picture.


terminals, but is not set to its


channel appropriate for video




VIDEO mode.


playback ( pg. 22, 23).




• The cassette holder cover is


• Close the cassette holder







cover ( pg. 12).









40. The LCD monitor image is


40. • During playback of the







unrecorded portion, High-







speed Search and still







playback, LCD monitor












indications appear distorted.







This is not a defect.











41. Images on the LCD monitor


41. • The speaker volume is too


41. • Turn the speaker volume


are jittery.





down ( pg. 21).








42. There is no playback picture


42. • Since the analog input mode is


42. • Set “S/AV INPUT” to “OFF” in


on the connected TV.


engaged, the camcorder is in


the Menu Screen ( pg. 42).




the Record-Standby mode.













43. Blocks of noise appear






43. • Clean the video heads with an


during playback, or there is





optional cleaning cassette


no playback picture and the




( pg. 94).








screen becomes blue.

















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JVC GR-DVM75 specifications 82 EN, Video