Press a SOUND SELECT button on the CA. You will hear the sound on your external MIDI device also changes. Pressing a SOUND SELECT button lets the CA piano transmit a “program change” number. A program change is the type of MIDI command that tells the receiving instrument what sound or instrument to play your notes with.
Actual program change information is just a number, from 1 to 128, not an instrument name. You select the desired instrument with a specific number. Not all MIDI instruments assign the same sound to the same program change number. MIDI instruments that conform to the General MIDI (GM) standard however “DO” assign the same sound to the same program change number. For example program change #1 will always be an acoustic piano sound on a “GM” compatible synth, and program change #33 will always be an acoustic bass sound. Because of this, when connecting two “GM” instruments together, selecting the right sound is not a problem. The CA piano is not a General MIDI instrument and its internal sounds do not conform to the General MIDI standard. This means when you select a sound on the CA piano such as Classic E. Piano you will probably hear a different sound playing from your external MIDI device. What sound you hear will depend on the sound assignments on your external MIDI device. Below is a chart of the Program Change number/sound assignment mapping for the first twelve CA piano sounds and the first twelve “GM” sounds. Please see page 75 in the reference section for more detail. The CA piano can have different mappings depending on the setting for
Program # | CA1200 | CA1000 | General MIDI |
1 | Concert Grand | Concert Grand | Grand Piano |
2 | Studio Grand | Studio Grand | Bright Piano |
3 | Mellow Grand | Mellow Grand | Electric Grand |
4 | Jazz Grand | Modern Piano | Honky Tonk Piano |
5 | Modern Piano | Rock Piano | Electric Piano 1 |
6 | Rock Piano | New Age Piano | Electric Piano 2 |
7 | New Age Piano | Classic E.Piano | Harpsichord |
8 | Honky Tonk | Modern E.P. 1 | Clavi |
9 | Classic E.Piano | Modern E.P. 2 | Celesta |
10 | Modern E.P. 1 | Jazz Organ | Glockenspiel |
11 | Modern E.P. 2 | Drawbar Organ 1 | Music Box |
12 | Modern E.P. 3 | Drawbar Organ 2 | Vibraphone |
Using MIDI