Kodak A-61003 manual FC-14

Models: A-61003

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Image 26


Function Code Name/




Additional Input





Footswitch Confirmation

• Enter the number zero (0) to turn the



footswitch confirmation tone OFF; or


Allows you to turn the

enter the number one (1) to turn the


footswitch confirmation tone

footswitch confirmation tone ON.


on or off.

• Press the Enter key.





OCR On/Off

• Enter the number one (1) to turn OCR ON; or


Allows you to turn OCR

enter the number zero (0) to turn OCR OFF.


on or off.

• Press the Enter key.





Document Sorter On/Off

• Enter the number one (1) to turn Document



Sorter ON; or enter the number zero (0) to turn



Document Sorter OFF.



• Press the Enter key.





Sort Next Document Only

• Press the up/down arrow key to view/select bin


to Specified Bin




• Press the Enter key.





Sort All Documents to

• Press the up/down arrow key to view/select bin


to Specified Bin




• Press the Enter key.





Select Linked Mode

• Enter the number of the application mode


Allows you to switch from

you wish to select; one or two digits.


one application mode to

• Press the Enter key.


another, keeping the last



Image Address.






Fixed Field

To enter a numeric character:


Allows you to enter a new

• Enter the number(s) to be placed in the Fixed


fixed field value, containing



alphanumeric characters.

• Press the Enter key.



To enter an alphabetic character:



• Press the up or down arrow key.



• Press the left or right arrow key to position



the highlighted cursor over the character to



be placed in the Fixed Field.



• Press the Enter key.














A-61003 September 1993

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Image 26
Kodak A-61003 manual FC-14