Kodak A-61003 manual FC-6

Models: A-61003

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Function Code Name/




Additional Input





Alarm Volume

• Press the up arrow key to increase the volume;


Allows you to adjust the

or press the down arrow key to decrease the


volume of the alarm.




• Press the Enter key.





Alarm Tone

• Press the up arrow key to increase the pitch;


Allows you to adjust the

or press the down arrow key to decrease the


pitch of the alarm tone.




• Press the Enter key.





Elapsed Time

• Press the right arrow key to view all four


Allows you to display the

time meters: Meter A shows the number of


number of hours the motor,

motor-on hours; Meter B shows the number


transport, and AC have been

of transport-on hours; Meter C shows the


running, in addition to the

number of AC-on hours; and Meter D shows


non-resettable document

the non-resettable document count.








Display Contrast

• Press the up arrow key to increase the


Allows you to adjust the

contrast; or press the down arrow key to


contrast of the Status Display.

decrease the contrast.



• Press the Enter key.





Display Language

• Press any arrow key to toggle between


Allows you to choose the

the two available options.


language in which the Status

• Press the Enter key.


Display messages will appear.






Measurement System

• Press any arrow key to toggle between


Allows you to choose the

the two available options.


measurement system in which

• Press the Enter key.


measurements are displayed.






Change Time

• Enter the new time in the format illustrated.


Allows you to change the time.

• Press the Enter key.





Change Date

• Enter the new date in the format illustrated.


Allows you to change the date.

• Press the Enter key.





Time and Date Display

• Press the Clear key to return to a normal


Allows you to view the

operating display.


current time and date.















A-61003 September 1993

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Image 18
Kodak A-61003 manual FC-6