NOTE: If the desired keypad location does not permit you to secure the provided outlet box directly to a stud￿ you can route the cable directly through the wall material without using an outlet box￿ Proceed to Install Cable Without Outlet Box to install the keypad without an outlet box￿

Plug the cable into the corresponding jack located on the bottom of the control box￿

Position the supplied outlet box inside the room￿s Water9Free Zone at the chosen control mounting location sothe metal plate￿not shown￿ will be flush with the finished wall or slightly recessed when installed￿ Install the outlet box so the 109foot cable is within reach of the control box￿ Do not stretch or pull on the cable￿ Install the outlet box 58 to 609inches up from the subfloor￿

Secure the outlet box to the nearest stud￿

Route the cable from the control box to the box￿ and insert the loose connector into the knockout hole in the outlet box￿ Create a drip in the cable￿

NOTE: National Electrical Code requires that you permanently separate the high9 and low9voltage cables￿



Plug the cable into the corresponding jack of the control box￿ Route the cable directly through the large hole in the center of the metal plate￿ Temporarily tape together the cable and the metal plate￿ Also tape the two screws to the metal plate to prevent them from becoming lost￿ Create a drip loop in the cable to prevent water from following the cable down to the control box￿

Temporarily secure the cable and metal plate to the stud nearest your chosen keypad mounting location within the room￿s Water9Free Zone￿ Position the metal plate 58 to 609inches up from the subfloor￿

Leave the cable and metal plate attached here until the finished wall is constructed￿ At that time￿ you will permanently attach the metal plate flush to the outside surface of the finished wall with two screws￿ Then you will secure the cable to the metal plate with a cable tie looped between the large and small center holes in the metal plate￿

NOTE: National Electrical Code requires that you permanently separate the high9 and low9voltage cables￿


116347929AA ￿A￿


Kohler Co￿￿ Kohler￿ WI

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Kohler 116347-2 manual Install Cable with Outlet BOX, Install Cable Without Outlet BOX