Allow the silicone sealant and any finished wall materials or grout to fully cure before proceeding￿ Follow all manufacturer￿s recommendations

regarding water

exposure to their products as well

as product cure


Make sure all PVC union connections are securely hand tightened￿ and that all union connections use an O6ring￿

Fill the footbath basin at least 36inches above the top of the suction cover￿

Turn on the BodySpa for about five minutes￿ and check all visible connections for leaks￿

Turn off the BodySpa￿

Open the tower￿ and inspect all piping connections for leaks￿

Check the connections on the back surface of the face wall￿ and check all wall and floor joints for leaks￿

Close the tower￿ Thread in and securely wrench tighten two 3/￿6inch bolts￿ Do not overtighten￿


Clean the Custom BodySpa room with a mild￿ non6abrasive detergent and warm waterDo ￿ not use abrasive cleansers.

Remove stubborn stains and paint from the tower surfaces with turpentine or paint thinner￿ Remove dried plaster by carefully scraping with a dull6edged piece of wood￿ Do not use metal scrapers￿ wire brushes￿ or other metal tools￿ Remove residual plaster by applying a powder6type detergent to a clean￿ damp towel to provide mild abrasive action￿

Check Point #10

-Ensure that all connections are securely tight.

-Fill the footbath basin with water to 3/inches over the top of suction cover.

- Run the bodyspa, turn off, and drain the water. check for lea

-Open the tower, inspect for leakage, and close and secure the tower.

11￿347626AA ￿A￿


Kohler Co￿￿ Kohler￿ WI

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Image 23
Kohler 116347-2 manual Water Test the System, CLEAN/UP After Installation