If you￿re like most people who install a Kohler Custom BodySpa￿ you can￿t wait to get in and try it o soon find that the BodySpa features and controls are very easy to use￿ and offer you a safe and excitin personal care adventure￿ There are a few things you should know before you start using your new Cust BodySpa￿ Please spend a few minutes with these simple rules￿ and then you￿ll be ready to go￿

SRemove all loose bathing items￿ such as soap bars￿ shampoo bottles￿ and washcloths from the BodySpa room￿ Make sure nothing is resting on the Waterfall ledge￿

SRemove your eyeglasses or contact lenses￿ and any loose jewelry before entering the BodySpa room￿

SDon￿t use shampoo￿ soap￿ or bubble bath in the BodySpa water￿ Of course￿ you can freely use shampoo and soap for showering before you fill the footbath basin￿

SUse the bath fill spout to fill the footbath basin with tempered water to a level at least 3<inches above the top of the suction cover￿

SClose the door enclosure securely￿

SAlways stand clear of the water stream when you turn on the BodySpa￿ or whenever you use the keypad control to adjust the water flow￿ You should also step into the Water<Free Zone anytime you want to take a short break from the invigorating effects of your hydro<massage experience￿

SUse your hand to check the water temperature in the footbath basin before you start up your Custom BodySpa￿ Never fill the footbath with water that is too hot ￿in excess of_ 104F￿￿

SPress thePower key to turn on the BodySpa￿

SWhen you turn on the BodySpa￿ it will take several seconds for the water to begin flowing￿ Let the water flow for several seconds before you enter the water stream so the water temperature has a chance to moderate￿

SWhen you turn on the BodySpa￿ the water will start to flow at its lowest setting￿ We suggest you increase the water force gradually until you get used to the intensity of the BodySpa experience￿ PressY theor

B key on the keypad control to increase or decrease the water flow￿

SThe Waterfall will automatically start when you turn on the BodySpa￿ When you pressBodythe

Jets key￿ water will begin flowing from Body Jet arrays 2￿ 3￿ and 4 at low speed￿ The Waterfall will turn off￿ Toggle any of the number keys to turn on or off the corresponding Body Jet arrays￿

SThe BodySpa will automatically shut off after about 20 minutes of continuous use￿ If you want to use your BodySpa for more than one 20<minute cycle￿ simply step into the Water<Free Zone and restart the action by pressing Powerthe key￿

SIf you feel faint￿ dizzy￿ or lightheaded at any time while using your BodySpa￿ immediately step into the Water<Free Zone￿ turn off the unit by pressing the Power key￿ and exit the room immediately￿

SPress thePower key a second time to turn off the BodySpa￿

11￿347<2<AA ￿A￿


Kohler Co￿￿ Kohler￿ WI

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Kohler 116347-2 manual Lets GET Started