Your Kohler ￿ustom ￿odySpa is designed to stimulate￿ invigorate￿ and energize your body for total hydro9massage relaxation￿ The ￿ustom ￿odySpa tower features 10 ￿odySpa jets in five paired arrays￿ and a lighted￿ overhead Waterfall to personalize your ￿odySpa experience￿ With the ￿odySpa tower￿ you have complete freedom of movement ￿and choice￿ to focus your hydro9massage where you need it the most￿

The ￿ustom ￿odySpa system features an easy9to9read electronic keypad control￿ With the keypad￿ you can individualize each ￿odySpa adventure by selecting the lighted￿ overhead Waterfall or any combination of five pairs of ￿odySpa jets￿ You can vary the intensity of your ￿odySpa hydro9massage from gentle to vigorous with the touch of a finger￿

The quiet but powerful 29horsepower pump and motor propel and recirculate the hydro9massaging water up to two times each minute￿ ￿n integral heater helps maintain the temperature of the water as long as the ￿ustom ￿odySpa is running￿



You must provide sufficient access to the pump box and controls￿ drain connections￿ suction housing￿ water supplies￿ and any lighting fixtures or other accessories￿ The false wall discussed on Page 4 may provide adequate access to all necessary components￿


We recommend a room size approximately 609inches long x 489inches wide x 849inches high for the ￿ustom ￿odySpa installation￿ The basin design must provide for a water depth of at least 99inches measured along the basin wall￿ ￿onstruct the basin framing to result in an overall basin water capacity between 90 and 200 U￿S￿ gallons ￿study the chart at left￿￿ ￿ room sizeatof least47 x 509inches will be large enough to promote freedom of movement

while using


￿ustom ￿odySpa￿ yet small enough

to contain the comforting heat and moisture

produced by



￿smaller9sized room may not support the required •Water9Free Zone" area for the user to move clear of the powerful water stream￿

If you design the room much larger than 60 x 489inches￿ you need to consider adding an auxiliary heat source to compliment the integral pump heater￿ This auxiliary heat source could be a steam generator￿ ￿ny auxiliary heat must have its own separate electrical service￿

116347929AA ￿￿￿


Kohler ￿o￿￿ Kohler￿ WI

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Kohler 116347-2 manual Design Guide, Tower and System, Provide Sufficient Access, Room Size