.......................................................................... 0...127


This is a new circuit that controls the amount of distortion intro-


duced by the filter. By adjusting this in conjunction with the cutoff


frequency and resonance of the synth filter to intentionally create


distortion, you can generate overtones that were not present in the


original waveform.

TYPE ............................................................


Selects the type of filter.

LPF (Low Pass Filter): Cuts the high-frequency region, making the sound more mellow.

HPF (High Pass Filter): Cuts the low-frequency region, making the sound sharper.

BPF (Band Pass Filter): Outputs only the region in the area of the cutoff frequency.

BPF+ (Band Pass Filter Plus): Adds the output of the band pass filter to the original waveform.

Part Common parameters


EG TIME ......................................................................



Specifies the decay time of the EG.


In order for this setting to have an effect, the AMP EG needs to be


set to “ ” and the filter EG INT needs to have a value other than 0.


.......................................................................... 0...127


“Glide” (also called portamento) is a function that smoothly changes


the pitch from one legato note to the next without re-triggering the


note. Glide will also occur when the gate time of one note extends


past the note-on timing of the next note.


As you raise this value, it will take longer to arrive at the new pitch.


The pattern tempo determines the time from when the next note is


played until that pitch is reached.


The Glide effect is defeated if the ROLL key is on (lit).

PAN .........................................................................



LEVEL ..........................................................................








Switches the operation of the amp EG. The setting will change each

time you press the key.

: The sound will decay to silence over the specified “EG TIME.”

: The EG will not cause the volume to decay.

ROLL ........................................................................... On, Off

Has the same function as for a drum part (p.30).

If Roll is on, a roll will continue playing as long as you hold down a step key (with the Keyboard function turned on).

FX SELECT .........................................................

FX1, FX2, FX3

FX SEND .....................................................................

On, Off

Has the same function as for a drum part (p.30).

If the sound does not change when you turn a knob or switch a key, it may be that the knob or key is not valid for the part you are editing, or that a motion sequence (p.34, “Motion sequence”) is operating.

Note on

Note off












Note on

Note off