Copying a part

COPY PART .............................................................................

Here’s how you can copy the selected part (with its sound settings and sequence data, including motion sequence) to another part.

1.If the EMX-1 is playing, press the STOP/CANCEL key to stop play- back.

2.Press a part key to select a destination (copy-destination) for the part being copied (the key will light).

3.Hold down the SHIFT key and press step key 4 (Copy Part). (Key 4 will blink.) The copy-destination part key will begin blinking.

4.Use the dial to select the pattern number of the part to be copied (copy-source).

5.Press a part key to select the copy-source part. (The copy-source key will blink, and the copy-destination key will go dark.) You can hear the sound of the copy-source by pressing its part key. (Synth parts will sound at C4.)

6.Press step key 4 once again to execute the Copy Part operation. If you decide to cancel, press the STOP/CANCEL key.

When you copy between parts, only the trigger data is copied.

If the copy operation would result in there being more than 24 motion sequences, the motion sequences will not be copied.

Copying only the sound of a part

COPY SOUND ........................................................................

Here’s how you can copy only the sound settings of another part to the selected part. Step data and motion sequence data will not be copied.

1.If the EMX-1 is playing, press the STOP/CANCEL key to stop play- back.

2.Press a part key to select a destination (copy-destination) for the part being copied (the key will light).

3.Hold down the SHIFT key and press step key 5 (COPY SOUND). (Key 5 will blink.) The copy-destination part key will begin blink- ing.

4.Use the dial to select the pattern number of the part to be copied (copy-source). You can press the SHIFT key to view the pattern name of the copy-destination.

5.Press a part key to select the copy-source part. (The copy-source key will blink, and the copy-destination key will go dark.) You can hear the sound of the copy-source by pressing its part key. (Synth parts will sound at C4.)

6.Press step key 5 once again to execute the Copy Sound operation. If you decide to cancel, press the STOP/CANCEL key.

You cannot copy sound data between a synth part and a drum part.

Erasing the sequence data of a part

To erase sequence data from the selected part, you can use the sixteen step keys to turn each trigger on/off independently, or use one of the following two operations.

To erase all of a part's performance data

CLEAR PART ............................................................................

This operation erases the rhythm or phrase pattern (trigger, note

number, gate time) and motion sequence data at once.