16 Guide Conventions
Guide Convent ions
In this guide, the following conventions are used
when descri bing phon e feature s.
Select means to press the Left softkey, Right
softkey or OK key to select an item seen on the
display. For example, “Select Menu” tells you to
physically press the left softkey to choose Menu
from the display.
Press means to press a phone key. For
example, “Press the Send key to make a phone
call” tells you to physically press the Send key
on your phone .
Scroll means to use the Navigation key to move
though a list on the display. For example, “Scroll
through your Contacts list to choose a contact”
means to physically press the Navigation key up
or down to scroll through the list on the display.
> (greater than symbol) tells you to select an
option from a menu or li st. For ex ample,
Menu > Settings” means to:
1. Press the left softkey to select Menu.
2. Scroll to the Settings option.
3. Press the OK key to select Settings.