icon, 38 notifications, 38 options, 37 previewing, 37 prompts, 38 quicktext, 37
read receipt request, 44 receipt request, 44 recording sounds, 37 replaying, 39 replying, 38
request receipt, 37 retrieving, 38 saving, 39
send later, 37
sender information, 38 set priority, 37
slide interval, 37 slides, 39
taking pictures, 37 viewing, 38
multiple pictures, 32
location information, 62 set phone line, 61 settings, 60
notes, contacts, 28 notifications
multimedia messages, 38 text messages, 35
open to answer, 57 outbox, 41 outgoing calls, 46
page alerts, 42 pairing, 49 phone
answering calls, 17 Bluetooth name, 51 codes, 26 extensions, 26 icons, 14
making calls, 17 overview, 12 setting line, 61 turning on and off, 17
phone information, 64 icons, 64 software build, 64 user guide, 64
pict ure messages, see multimedia messages
pictures assigning, 73 browsing, 73 compression, 33 erasing, 73 frames, 33
last taken, 33 locking, 73 modifying, 73 sending, 73 slideshow, 73 taking, 32
playback tools, 77 power
on and off sounds, 52 primary number, 27 privacy alerts, 60 prompt mode, 38
quick alarm, 68 quicktext, 42
rapid entry, 21 read receipt request
multimedia messages, 44 text messages, 44
receipt request
multimedia messages, 37, 44 text message, 35
text messages, 44 recent calls, 46
erase all, 44
redialing, 17 replying
multimedia messages, 38 text messages, 36
resolution, 32 restrict roaming, 61 ringer shuffle
edit, 51
ringers, 51 assigning, 76 browsing, 76 erasing, 76 locking, 76 mode, 51 roam, 51 sending, 76 shuffle, 51, 53 silent mode, 51 type, 51 volume, 52
call alerts, 62 restrict, 61 service alerts, 61