viewing contacts, 24 call logs, see call lists call timers
all, 25 data, 25 home, 25 incoming, 25 outgoing, 25 recent, 25 roaming, 25
caller IDs, 34 calls
alerts, 44 answering, 17 any key answer, 41 auto answer, 47 call lists, 23 emergency, 18, 19 ending, 17 limiting, 50 making, 17 missed, 41
open to answer, 41 placing on hold, 41 redialing, 17 silencing, 18 timing, 41
voice answer, 46 voice commands, 75
camera, 64 brightness, 65 color tone, 65 date stamp, 65 multishot, 65 picture quality, 65 resolution, 64 self timer, 64
shutter sound, 65 taking pictures, 64 white balance, 65
CDMA privacy, 48 com port speed, 47 contact groups, 30 contacts, 26
adding, 27
adding prefixes, 29 assigning alerts, 28, 29 assigning pictures, 29 calling, 27
changing primary number, 29 checking memory, 32 editing, 28
erasing, 30 groups, 30 number types, 28 sending messages, 28 sending vCard, 28 viewing, 26
voice search, 76 web addresses, 29
contacts list, 26
conventions, using this guide, 16 countdown timer, 71 customer support, 77
data counter, 25 display, 42
brightness, 43 language, 43 time and date, 43
downloads, 74 help, 74
drafts folder, 54