18.ISM Method (Command2:p)
To avoid having a fixed image remain on screen. Transmission
j][p][ | ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] | i | |
Data | 1: Inversion |
| |
| 2: Orbiter |
| 4: White | Wash |
| 8: Normal |
| |
Acknowledgement |
| ||
[p][ ][Set ID][ | ][OK][Data][x] | i |
19.Low Power (Command2:q)
II_ To control the Low Power function on/off.
You can also adjust Low Power in Option menu. Transmission
j ][q][ ][Set ID][ ][Datal[Cr] | i |
Data 0: Low Power off |
1: Low Power on |
Acknowledgement |
[q][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x] | 1 |
20. Tune Command (Command: m a)
To tune channel to following physical/major/minor number Transmission
I[m][a][][Set ID][ ][Data0][][Data1][][Data2][][Data3][][Data4][][DataS][Cr]
Data 0: Physical Channel Number(Transmit by Hexadecimal code) NTSC air:02~45
NTSC cable: 01 ~87
ATSC air:02~45
ATSC cable:01 ~87
Data 1,Data 2: MajorChannelNumber(twopart)or ChannelNumber(Onepart) Data1: High byte
Data2: Low byte
Two part channel number: Major
One part channel number: If the channel band is ATSC digital cable,
it can be used. In case of using one part channel number, minor channel does not need.
Data 3, Data 4: Minor Channel Number Data3: High byte Data4: Low byte Data 5:
Main |
| Two/One |
| Using | 4 |
| 1 | o |
Picture | 6 | Part | 5 | Physbal | P_s_w | 3 | 2 | Step | |||
| Channel |
| 3hannel | ed |
Main | 0 | Two | 0 | Use | x | 0 | 0 | o | o | NTSC Air | |
| 1 | One | 1 | No Use | x | 0 | O | o | 1 | NTSCCable | |
| x | 0 | 0 | 1 | o | ATSC Air | |
| x | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ATSC | |
| Ca_ | sFd | |||||
| ||
| x | 0 | 1 | o | o | ATSC | |
| C_t_c |
| |||||
| |
| x | 0 | 1 | o | 1 | ATSC | |
| Q&te | irc | |||||
| ||
| x | 0 | 1 | 1 | o | ATSC | |
| caLle | auto | |||||
| ||
| x | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Reserved | |
| x | x | X | x | x |
| x | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Reserved |
*All data are transmitted by Hexadecimal code *Two/One part Channel: 6th bit
This bit is used in a
if the channel band is NTSC air or NTSC cable, channel tuning can be done by only physical channel. In this case, using phys- ical channel bit must be low(0).
But if the channel band is ATSC air or ATSC cable, there are two cases that physical channel enable or disable.
If the physical channel sending is meaningful, you should set this bit low(0). If the physical channel sending is meaningless, you should set this bit high(1 ).
1. Analog channel: NTSC cable, channel number(35), main pic- ture Command: ma 00 23 xx xx xx xx 01attribute(0x01 ): main picture, two part(it's not mandatory), using physical channel, NTSC cable 'xx'data: don't care major and minor channel number in case analog channel tuning.
2. Digital channel: ATSC air, channel number(don't know physi- cal channel, major(30), minor(3)), main picture
Command: ma 00 xx 00 1E 00 03 22 attribute(0x22): main picture, two part, not using physical channel, ATSC air 'xx' data: don'tcare analog channel number in case digital chan- nel tuning.
3. Digital channel: ATSC air, channel number (physical(20), major (30), minor (5)), main picture
Command: ma 00 14 00 1E 00 05 02 attribute(0x02): main picture, two part, using physical channel, ATSC air.
Acknowledgement |
| |||
[a][ | ][Set | ID][ | ][OK][Data0][Datal][Data2][Data3][Data4][Data5][x]] |
[a][ | ][Set | ID][ | ][NG][Data0][x] | j |