Reply allows you to reply to current voicemail. You can reply to the sender or forward it to anyone with either an email or phone number. This allows you to send this voicemail message to several recipients at the same time. Tag the new message with both an Urgency or Privacy tag.

Tap Send to deliver the new message or Discard to delete it.

 Speaker Off/On allows you to either turn the speakerphone on or off during playback. If the speakerphone feature was enabled within the Voicemail Settings menu, the speakerphone will always be automatically enabled during voicemail playback (see page 119).

 Delete allows you to delete the current voicemail message. Tap OK to confirm the deletion process.

Configuring Voicemail Options

To access the Voicemail menu options:

1.Press > > Voicemail.

2.Press and select from the following:

Compose to compose a new voicemail message.

Play all new to listen to all new messages.

Undelivered to list all undelivered voicemail messages.

Delete to delete selected messages from your current list of available voicemail messages.

Search to search through current voicemail messages for keywords.

Settings to configure your Voicemail application settings.

To access a Voicemail message’s options:

1.Press > > Voicemail.

2.Tap voicemail message entry and press and select from the following:

Lock/Unlock to prevent deletion of the selected voicemail message.

Text message to create and send a new text message to the current sender’s phone number.

Reply to reply to current voicemail. You can reply to the sender or forward it to anyone with either an email or phone number. This allows you to send this voicemail message to several recipients

118 3A. Sprint Service: The Basics

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LG Electronics Optimus S manual Configuring Voicemail Options, Tap Send to deliver the new message or Discard to delete it