General product information
3.1Product/System Description
The Liebert XDV cooling system is designed to be attached to the top of a computer cabinet or rack containing heat dissipating equipment. Two fans draw hot air exhausted from the equipment or from the hot aisle, pass it through a cooling coil and discharge cool air back down to the cold aisle, where the equipment's air intake is located. The Liebert XDV comes from the factory ready to draw heated air through a perforated grille on the back of the unit. The Liebert XDV is easily modified to draw hot air through the bottom of the unit, should that cooling method be better suited to your application.
The complete system consists of Liebert XDV modules, Liebert XDP or Liebert XDC coolant distribu- tion units, power and signal cabling and interconnecting piping, see Figure 3 below.
A condensate detection option gives notification if any condensation occurs in the Liebert XDV.
Figure 3 Liebert XDV hydraulic diagram
Liebert XDC
Liebert XDP
Liebert XD
Cooling Module *
Supply Lines
Liebert XDC
Liebert XDP
Liebert XD
Cooling Module *
Liebert XD
Cooling Module *
Liebert XD
Cooling Module *
*Liebert XDCF, XDH, XDO or XDV
3.2Checking and Unpacking
When the Liebert XDV is delivered, inspect all items for either visible or concealed damage. Damage should be immediately reported to the carrier and a damage claim filed with a copy sent to Liebert or to your sales representative. If you later find any concealed damage, report it to the shipping company and your local Liebert representative.
Check to be sure all required assemblies and parts have been received.
The Liebert XDV is shipped in a protective carton and secured to a pallet (see Figures 5 and 6). Do not remove these protective items from the Liebert XDV before it is at the installation location. When unpacking and handling the Liebert XDV, exercise extra care to prevent damage.