Fingertip Blood Sampling

The OneTouch® UltraSmartSystem requires a very small blood drop to perform a test. You may obtain it from a fingertip or arm. There are important differences in the procedures for fingertip testing and arm testing. See page 24 for information on obtaining a blood sample from the arm. Choose a different puncture site each time you test. Repeated punctures in the same spot may cause soreness and calluses.

STEP 1 Position the Sampler.

Hold the OneTouch® UltraSoftSampler firmly against the side of your finger. Press the release button.

STEP 2 Massage the Fingertip.

Massaging the fingertip gently will help you obtain a round drop of blood. Do not squeeze excessively on the puncture site. The blood sample must be at least one microlitre (1 µL) in volume ( actual size) or you may get an error message (see page 50) or an inaccurate test result. Do not smear the blood sample. Proceed with your blood glucose test.