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Next, the meter will prompt you to select time periods for your usual meal schedule. When you set this feature all of your test results will be tagged with the mealtime. To view a pre-set meal schedule select “Pre-set” and press OK OK .

The pre-set schedule will appear on the display. Both before and after mealtimes are pre-set. Whenever you test, these mealtimes will be recorded in the logbook whether or not you are eating on schedule. To use the pre-set schedule, press OK OK .

To personalize your schedule, press the Back button , choose “Personal,” and press OK OK . To change all or some of the personal meal schedule:

Scroll through each mealtime

Select the correct hours and minutes (in 15-minute steps)

Press OK OK .

If you make a mistake, press the Back

button to return to the top of the schedule and make corrections.